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When Offshore Electrics was founded in 2000, its goal was was to make rc boating a hobby that is accessible to a larger group of people. As an activity that takes up large amounts of time, money, and effort, it has, in the past, been an incredibly exclusive community. However, through new technology and facilitated processes, fast electric rc boating has has evolved into something that anybody can participate with in some capacity. Near the center of this all is Offshore Electrics. As one of the early retailers to specialize in fast electric rc boats, OSE brought in dozens of brand names such as Aeromarine Laminates, Aquacraft, Etti Marine, Proboat, Octura and Speedmaster, and under one roof. There was no longer a need to search across the internet and go to various hobby shops to find every part need for the boat assembly. As time would go on, newer brands such as Leopard and Hobbywing would be added along with an expanding line of exclusive OSE brand parts. Along with having a vast stock, OSE is geared towards supporting a wide range of interest levels in the hobby. From those who wish to be immersed in the experience of building a bare hull or kit to the person who wants to enjoy a ready to run (rtr) boat that will need no assembly. From the hobbyist that wants to run at the local pond or lake for fun, to the racing enthusiasts ready to compete in racing his craft to become number one. We are able to provide for each endeavor.
The other half of OffshoreElectrics.com is the 100% free OSE forum. This is the first and, almost always, the last place you need to visit to answer any question pertaining to rc boating. Our massive community of rc boaters, many members which have extensive experience in the field or even have raced professionally bring ample knowledge to the table. Whether you are a newcomer just learning the basics or a long-time veteran seeking new tricks, the OSE forum most certainly has something to help you.
As a whole Offshore Electrics is a company that can provide the about whatever you need to further your rc boat hobby. Be with physical parts or the knowledge needed to improve your setup, we are determined to make your experience with us a positive one.

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